Jual Lilac Border Collie Puppy ( Very Rare )

Nomor Iklan: 155860 Bandung 17 Oct 2024

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Her name is Meleys, a border collie puppy. she was born in August 26th 2024 in Bandung, West Java Indonesia. Her colour was identified as lilac border collie. Lilac border collie is much rarer than other border collie colours. She's the first lilac border collie to be borned in Indonesia.

She's already registerd with Perkin Jabar. She's very healthy, no skin desease, fleas and she's has been vaccinated.

If anyone is interested in picking up Meleys. You can contact me for further information and prices. Also the price is very expensive.

contact by WA 0812 2010 2929
location in Bandung West Java

We can also help with deliveries to other cities in Indonesia.

Lokasi di Bandung

Hubungi Pemasang Iklan:
0812 2010 2929 Prioritaskanlah Transaksi/Membeli Anjing yang sekota dengan Anda.
Tips Aman Bertransaksi
Tanda/Simbol 100% Guarantee dll. pada foto iklan dipasang sendiri oleh Pemasang Iklan, bukan dari pihak
Bilang ke penjual, bahwa Anda melihat iklannya di
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Alamat Petshop
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Alamat Dokter Hewan
Anjing Pejantan
Alamat Dog Club Indonesia
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