Setuju ama Cheralin. Kebanyakan Kalsium ga baik apalagi ga diimbangi ama Phosporus. Kebanyakan Phosporus juga ga baik, perbandingan terbaik sekitar 1:1.2 sd 1:1.5
According to the American Feed Control
Officials‘ 2008 Dog and Cat Food Nutrient
―In light of the concerns for the possible
detrimental effects of over nutrition, the
Subcommittee deemed that maximum limits
for calcium and phosphorus were warranted.
A maximum level of 2.5% calcium was
regarded as a safe upper limit. The
maximum limit for phosphorus was set at
twice the growth minimum or 1.6%.
Excess intake of calcium can result in
growth retardation and severe bone and
joint abnormalities, while excess phosphorus
can have deleterious effects on the kidney.