In Memoriam Rob Roy von Hymagyna, 2006 Labrador Indonesia Champion

My best dog ever, a Labrador Retreiver.
Born on Spain Oct, 28th 2003, won more than 20 throphies Best of Breed and Reserve Best of Breed. Finish as Indonesia Champion in National Dog Show Aldiron Jakarta, on March, 18th 2006 (29 months old), under judge Mrs.Yvonne Smith from New Zealand. Thank's for Ms Debby Riana, Mr. Mujiono and Ms. Olive that gave me a trust to handle this awesome boy until the end.

He gave me a lot of pride, joy, laugh, and of course a lot of love. He taught me how to control anger, always gave in, even when others hurt him. He always made me wonder with his amazing calmness and obidience.
At 1.30pm 11 March 2016 (13 years old), He left us all after waiting all of our family came home. Without sick, without rush. He left us in very easy way. Rest in Peace my old boy.. I was honored to be your last handler.. love you RobRoy,,

Best of Breed at National Dog Show (Indonesia Champion),
18 March 2006 Aldiron Jakarta under judge Mrs. Yvonne Smith from New Zealand
Best of Breed at KMPI Multi Dog Exhibition
27 November 2005 Metropolis Mall under judge Mrs. Jackie Perry from U.K
Reserve Best in Exhibition under judge Mr. Melville H. Bungey (Australia)
in Back to Back dogshow, 25 Sept 2005 at Citra Grand Cibubur - Jakarta.
Best of Breed under judge Mr. Melville H. Bungey (Australia)
in Back to Back dogshow, 25 Sept 2005 at Citra Grand Cibubur - Jakarta.
Reserve Best of Breed under judge Mr. Everadus W. Meijer (Spain)
in Back to Back dogshow, 25 Sept 2005 at Citra Grand Cibubur - Jakarta.
Best of Breed under judge Mr. Frederick Peddie from Canada
in Multi Trah (Back to back) GRCI & PERKIN JABAR at GOR Soekarno-Hatta
16 – 17 April 2005 (Got 4th Major CC)
Reserve Best of Breed under judge Mr. John F Richard Lopaschuck from Canada
in Multi Trah (Back to back) GRCI & PERKIN JABAR at GOR Soekarno-Hatta
16-17 April 2005 (Got 6th Major CC)
Reserve Best of Breed under judge Mr. Chan Weng Woh from Malaysia
in Multi Trah (Back to back) GRCI & PERKIN JABAR at GOR Soekarno-Hatta
16-17 April 2005 (Got 5th Major CC)
Reserve Best of Breed under judge Mrs. Sharon P. Francis from Canada
in GRCI Back to Back Multi Trah Dog show at GOR Soekarno-Hatta
9-10 October 2004 (Got 3rd Major CC)
Reserve Best of Breed under judge Mr. Charles H. Francis from Canada
in GRCI Back to Back Multi Trah Dog show at GOR Soekarno-Hatta
9-10 October 2004 (Got 2nd Major CC)
Reserve Best of Breed under judge Mr. Chang Han Chang
in GRCI Back to Back Multi Trah Dog show at Secapa – Bandung in
14-15 July 2004 (Got 1st Major CC)
Last Edited : 13 Mar 2016 18:35:18